Discover Your Inner Power - Transform Your Life!

“This Is Where You Pivot: The Shift from Fear to Freedom” reminds us that we are never stuck, lost, or alone. At any moment, we have the power to pivot and choose a new path.

Recognize and overcome the voices and faces of fear that stand in the way of your happiness, putting you back in the driver’s seat for your life!

Harness Your Inner Strength!

You are never truly stuck or alone.

At any moment, you can pivot to a new path.

Elizabeth’s powerful words remind us that transformation lies within us all.

In This Is Where You Pivot: The Shift from Fear to Freedom, you learn to:

  • Overcome Fear and Self-Doubt

    Fear and self-doubt are universal struggles. Here, Elizabeth helps you reframe limiting beliefs that keep you feeling stuck in these cycles, helping you embrace your authenticity.

  • Create a Compassionate Space

    Explore a conversation about understanding and forgiveness. Discover a path that leads you along the road of compassion, something that the word needs more of today!

  • Break Your Silence

    This book is a roadmap to finding your voice and discovering your personal power, motivating you to take action in your life. No more playing small! It’s time to claim and receive what you truly want!

  • Hear and Trust Your Intuition

    Walk the path that your soul is calling you to live.

  • Find Peace and Calm

    Chaos and struggle don’t need to be part of your everyday life. Elizabeth’s work takes you away from this, leading you back to your heart so that you accept and honor your thoughts, feelings, and desires.

  • Reclaim Your Personal Power

    March forth with confidence knowing that, at any given moment, you have the power to choose again!

YES! I am ready to discover my intuition and find my voice!

Download your copy of This Is Where You Pivot: The Shift from Fear to Freedom NOW!


“I heard of this book on a podcast Authentic Talks 2.0 where Elizabeth shared about chakras and explained how she came to write the book & I think it’s a great gift idea. Inspire someone with the gift of This Is Where You Pivot".


“Being invited into Elizabeth's journey through the mountains of her life that brought her freedom on the other side, brought me a lot of courage to do the same. Her writing style feels like a comfortable conversation, and you can feel her honesty and truth lift off the pages.”

Reader Reviews

Yes! I am ready to break free from toxic relationships, anxiety, and fear.

Reclaim your life now!

Download your copy of This Is Where You Pivot: The Shift from Fear to Freedom.

Meet the Author

Elizabeth A. Miles is committed to building a community that fosters growth and transformation, so that everyone has the support they need to reach their goals.

As the founder of March Forth Media Company, she’s on a mission to empower other healers, coaches, teachers, and creatives, helping them discover their unique style, amplify their voices, and share their messages with the world.

Elizabeth hosts “The Power to Pivot Podcast,” available on Anchor, Apple, Spotify, and Amazon. In each episode, she interviews individuals who’ve made courageous choices to pivot in their lives. Their stories inspire and ignite change.

YES! I am ready to discover my power to choose again!

Download your copy of This Is Where You Pivot: The Shift from Fear to Freedom NOW!